
This manual provides detailed instructions for using the Planning Space platform and the applications Dataflow, Economics, and Financials.

You may not have permissions to access all of the Planning Space applications, or all of the available features in each application. Please check with your local Planning Space administrator.

Software version

Important: The content of this document describes version 20.3 Update 12 (20.3.12). If you are viewing this User Manual on a website (rather than as Planning Space built-in help pages), make sure the version corresponds to the Planning Space version that you are using. Version information is displayed at the bottom of every topic page.

To access the User Manual for other versions of Planning Space 20.3, use the OTHER VERSIONS AVAILABLE section in the left-hand content menu.

How to use

Use the expandable menu on the left to browse for topics.

Use the Search box to search for topics containing specified words and/or exact phrases (enclosed in quote marks "). Searches are case-insensitive. Boolean searching is supported using the operators AND, OR, NOT, NEAR and parentheses (...). Boolean AND is implicit when you put multiple search terms: for example the search 'database connection' will only find topics containing both of the words 'database' and 'connection'. The search (using double quotation marks ") ' "database connection" ' will only find matches to the exact phrase.